What is Fair Trade

Many young people see the infamous logo on their chocolate bar, banana or coffee but do you actually know what it means. Fair trade is about giving producers a fair price for their products.
The fair trade foundation is an independent non-profit organisation that licenses use of the FAIRTRADE Mark on products in the UK in accordance with internationally agreed Fairtrade standards.
 Buying Fairtrade means farmers and workers get a better deal in return for their hard work.  Unfair trade condemns millions of people living in developing countries to poverty. Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their lot and to have more control over their lives. Currently more than 7 million farmers benefit from Fairtrade.  Fair trade is a practical way in which every one can make a difference.
Go out and buy fair trade products today!

Poll Results: Did Mr Tunstall Deserve The Sack?

The results are in and seems the majority of you thought poor Mr. Tunstall did deserve the sack with a whopping 100% of the votes!

Thank you for voting.

Fraud: £1.6m bonus for Head Teacher

A former head teacher, knighted for their alleged services to education has been arrested on claims he receives £130,000 in illegal bonuses.

Arrested: Sir Alan Davies, former headteacher at Copland Community School in Wembley, north LondonSir Allen Davies was forced to resign after him and his former colleagues were accused of mismanaging £1.6 million of Copland Community Schools' funds. In addition to this his wife Lesely, 50, is also being held on suspicion of defraud and theft.

The 64 year old claimed that money was paid out for extra work he carried out that was
 'above and beyond what would be the normal duties of any head'
and the school, who surprisingly seem to be supporting him, stated that he was 'worth every penny'. Well someone's full of themselves.


This is an all to common case of fraud that the public is constantly having to battle with, maybe it's time we lessen the powers of these people in positions of power.

Will taking the powers of headteachers help the situation?

How should the headteacher, Sir Alan Davies be punished?

Fatherless Birth Certificates are a choice

It is no longer a requirement for mothers to name the father of their children on birth certificates. This requirement is highly contrast the traditionalist style law that Labor introduced forcing mothers to place the fathers name on the birth certificate or face a fine.
The revolutionary amendment had been extensively criticised as being a form of social engineering. Women could possibly use this as an opportunity as stopping the child from seeing their humble roots, 

However, the news was embraced by groups who felt that the previous law was an extensive measure of the 'nanny state' we currently live in. As well as it being a law that may harm vulnerable women.

Will fathers names on birth certificate become a thing of the past?

Does a child not knowing their father effect them significantly?

Is The Benefit System Too Easy?

It has been heavily debated whether the benefit system is secure enough to stop benefit scrounges getting in. It seems like all you have to nowadays is pop out a baby and your simultaneously placed at the top of the housing and benefit list. According to the Direct Gov website  you qualify for benefits if you're
"•on a low income (employed or looking for work)

•have dependent children

•ill or disabled

•caring for someone

•aged 60 or over


pregnant or have recently had a baby"
The situation has gotten so bad its being considered a norm, a culture! The question I need the answer to is; 

How do we stop it?

Poll: Did Mr Tunstall Deserve The Sack?

Sacked: Craig Tunstall suspended pupils for wearing the wrong coat, refusing to finish lunch and failing to stand in line

We previously introduced you to Mr Tunstall a super head teacher who received the sack after just two days into the job at a primary school. He managed to suspend 7 pupils for not lining up, not finishing lunch and for wearing the wrong coat.

If you missed the post you can view it HERE.


If you a yes or no answer is to small for you free feel to leave a heated and well thought out opinion bellow this post or at the main post HERE.

Super Heads are out this season

The council has sacked a £200,000 a year super head after he suspend 7 pupil in two days for minor offences.

Craig Tunstall, who earns more than the Prime Minister and is one of Britain’s highest-paid head teachers, lasted less than 48 hours in his role as executive head of a failing primary school.
Within the first few hours of joining, Mr Tunstall, who is believed to have received a pay package of £200,000,had excluded seven pupils as young as five. Reasons for exclusion include not finishing lunch, wearing the wrong coat and not standing in line. The boy who failed to stand in line had special needs and was unable to respond quickly enough. At least he's being reasonable.

Sacked: Craig Tunstall suspended pupils for wearing the wrong coat, refusing to finish lunch and failing to stand in lineAccording to staff and children at the school his manner was so authoritarian that he created a climate of fear amongst children.

Read More

Is it right that Mr Tunstall was suspended? I mean can you really gauge how successful something is after two days.

Do we need more discipline in our schools?

I suspect a heavy dose of the 'good old days' coming along.

Lady Gaga seems to have forgotten her trousers

Date night: Lady Gaga and her boyfriend Luc Carl arrive together at the St. James Theatre in New York

Lady Gaga's recent choice of attire has me wondering what kind of impact celebrities have on us generally. Tomorrow will I subconsciously forget to wear trouser just because Lady Gaga did,will I pick out 10 inch heels just because Lady Gaga did. 

How do celebrities influence us?

World Record: 500 people living in a one bedroom flat

Benefit fraudsters have made a staggering £1 million pounds by claiming that 100 people lived in their 3 bedroom ex-council flat in, you guessed  it, Peckham.

Scam: Fraudsters claimed 500 people lived in a three-bedroom flat within Brookstone Court, Peckham, and netted £1mInterestingly, Criminals used the personal details of people who had stopped claiming unemployment benefits to trick workers into handing over the cash.Two crooked Department for Work and Pensions workers are thought to have handed them information used in the scam.

The Nigerian Akinmayone Aiyeloa, who co-owns the flat, was questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud over £20,000. Neighbors of the first-floor flat, purchased from Southwark Council for £67,000 in 2004, have said that just four people live in the flat.

It has been worked out that benefit fraud and errors by the Department for Work and Pensions cost the taxpayer a massive £5.2billion per year.


Do you think the government are doing enough to prevent fraudster’s committing fraud?

Surprisingly the newspaper I got this article from mentions the origins of the fraudsters, do you think ethnicity has anything to do with an individuals likelihood to commit crime?

Mother Speaks Out After The Murder of Her Son

Suzanne Campbell's 19 year old son Reamonn Gormley was stabbed to death whilst walking home from Parkville Pub on Tuesday, February 1.
The 30 year old mum of 4 said: 
'we want to stop kids going out and carrying knives, and a petition needs to be sent to the Scottish Government ' 
In addition to this Suzanne Campbell said that one of the reasons many children are afraid to go out and play on the streets is that they are to afraid  of being attacked by thugs armed with guns and knives.

She also stated that:
'we need to do more to educate youngsters that it is wrong to carry knives'

Would a petition really get the message across to the Scottish Government?

How do we educate youngsters on the dangers of knife crime?


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